Buying US Property as a Foreigner?
We know the law; Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) and how it applies to your situation.

We are team of professionals skilled in filing tax returns for foreign owners of US property.
We know the law; Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) and how it applies to your situation.
We will get you through the complex process of minimizing the FIRPTA withholding your Title Company must do at the time of sale.
The IRS wants some! We are experts in minimizing your Federal and State tax obligations here in the US.
Your US tax and compliance solutions are available through our firm. As a foreign person, owning a holiday home, investment property or small business in the USA brings new and different tax filing and compliance requirements, such as Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA). The team here at Foreign Tax CPA, LLC has been assisting non-resident foreign clients (known as nonresident aliens in IRS terminology) for over 25 years. Our Team will ensure you are fully compliant with US tax laws and efficiently apply the potential Treaty benefits and filing elections to minimize your US tax obligation and maximize your refund. As a client of Jan Marie Doughty CPA and now with Foreign Tax CPA you will have peace of mind that you are meeting the wide variety of requirements to which property and business ownership in the USA may be exposed to as a non-resident.
Janet Noack is an American Certified Public Accountant (CPA) practicing in US taxation for property and business services with particular emphasis on non-resident and international clients. We strongly recommend that you select a qualified Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to prepare the necessary tax returns. A CPA is licensed by a US State and the designation represents extensive education and professional experience and testing in all areas of accounting, auditing, business law, and taxation. This is equivalent to Chartered Accountants in the UK and Canada.
The US tax regulations and Treaty rules are complex and vary depending on your county of residence. It is not possible to cover the details in this brief introduction. Janet Noack, CPA is happy to provide a brief consultation to enable you to understand your US investment and filing requirements to ensure compliance and minimize any tax obligations. Our firm has clients in over 40 countries and work with Title Companies, Realtors and Lawyers in all 50 States in the USA. We specialize in assisting foreign individuals and businesses with US tax filing and compliance.
Foreign Tax CPA is a US based CPA firm providing international tax services, including FIRPTA, for global
businesses, American expats, and foreign nationals. We’re highly experienced in international taxation.
The US tax regulations and Treaty rules are complex and vary depending on your country of residence or citizenship. It is not possible to cover the details in this brief introduction. Foreign Tax CPA is happy to provide a brief consultation to enable you to understand your US investment and filing requirements, including FIRPTA, to ensure compliance and minimize any tax obligations.
Janet Noack, CPA and her team have unique experience and knowledge of taxation of non-us people and companies Our firm has clients in over 40 countries and work with Title Companies, Realtors and Lawyers in all 50 States in the USA.
Our comprehensive approach will direct you to an appropriate business entity for you business – sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, S-corporation.
The process starts before you buy a holiday home or begin your business as careful consideration should be given to the best way to take title from a US income and estate (inheritance) tax perspective and how these decisions effect your potential treaty benefits and filing benefits.
Foreign owners of US property are often subject to US tax obligations. These obligations include income tax on any rental income earned from the property, as well as capital gains tax and FIRPTA withholding if the property is sold. To ensure compliance with US tax laws, foreign owners should obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and file a US tax return each year.
However, under certain circumstances, foreign owners may be able to reduce their US tax liability. For example, they may be eligible for deductions and credits such as depreciation on rental property and the foreign tax credit for taxes paid in their home country. It is advisable for foreign owners to seek professional tax advice to determine the most advantageous tax strategies for their particular situation.
Foreign owners may also benefit from considering the use of a US-based limited liability company (LLC) to hold their US property. This can provide liability protection and offer potential tax advantages. Again, professional advice from a qualified tax proffessional is recommended to determine the optimal structure and tax treatment for the LLC.
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending Convention… US and Australia… Taxes on Income, signed Sept 27 2001
Protocol Amending Convention… US and Australia… Taxes on Income, signed Sept 27 2001
Technical Explanation of Convention… US and Bangladesh… Taxes on Income, Jan 21, 2006
Convention… US and Bangladesh… Taxes on Income, Jan 27, 2004
Note on Convention… US and Bangladesh… Taxes on Income, Sept 26, 2004
Technical Explanation of the 2nd Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Barbados… Taxes on Income, Sept 21 2004
2nd Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Barbados… Taxes on Income, July 26, 2004
Notes on 2nd Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Barbados… Taxes on Income, July 26, 2004
Convention… US and Belgium… Taxes on Income July 11, 2007
Protocol to Convention… US and Belgium… Taxes on Income July 11, 2007
Technical Explanation of Convention… US and Belgium… Taxes on Income July 11, 2007
Protocol Amending Convention… US and Bulgaria…Taxes on Income, Feb 26, 2008
Technical Explanation of Convention… US and Bulgaria…Taxes on Income, Feb 26, 2008
Convention… US and Bulgaria…Taxes on Income, signed Feb 23 2007
Protocol to Convention… US and Bulgaria…Taxes on Income, signed Feb 23 2007
Notes on Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Canada… Taxes on Income and Capital, September 21, 2007
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Canada… Taxes on Income and Capital, September 21, 2007
Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Canada… Taxes on Income and Capital, September 21, 2007
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Canada… Taxes on Income and Capital, July 28, 1997
Note on Convention and Protocol… US and Chile… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Oct 6, 2023
Note on Convention and Protocol… US and Chile… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Feb 21, 2012
Note on Convention and Protocol… US and Chile… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Feb 25, 2011
Convention… US and Chile… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Feb 4, 2010
Note on Convention and Protocol… US and Chile… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Feb 4, 2010
Technical Explanation Convention… US and Chile… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Feb 4, 2010
Convention… US and Croatia… Respect to Taxes on Income, December 7, 2022
Protocol Amending Convention… US and Denmark… Taxes on Income, May 5, 2006
Notes Exchanged at signing of Protocol Amending Convention… US and Denmark… Taxes on Income, May 5, 2006
Technical Explanation of Protocol amending the Convention… US and Denmark… Taxes on Income, May 2, 2006
Technical Explanation of Convention… US and Denmark… Taxes on Income, June 29, 1999
Convention… US and Denmark… Taxes on Income, June 29 1999
Convention … US and Estonia…Taxes on Income signed Jan 15, 1998
Technical Explanation Convention … US and Estonia… Taxes on Income signed Jan 15, 1998
Protocol Amending Convention US and Finland…. Taxes on Income and Capital, signed May 31, 2006
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending Convention US and Finland…. Taxes on Income and Capital, signed May 31, 2006
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending the Convention… US and France… Taxes on Income and Capital, Jan 13, 2009
Protocol Amending the Convention… US and France… Taxes on Income and Capital, Jan 13, 2009
MOU regarding the Protocol Amending the Convention… US and France… Taxes on Income and Capital, Jan 13, 2009
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending the Convention… US and France… Taxes on Income and Capital, August 12, 2004
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending the Convention… US and France… Taxes on Estates and Gifts, August 12, 2004
Protocol Amending the Convention… US and France… Taxes on Income and Capital, August 12, 2004
Protocol Amending the Convention… US and France… Taxes on Estates and Gifts, August 12, 2004
Second Protocol.. Convention US and Germany… Taxation Estates and Gifts, November 22, 2006
Technical Explanation Second Protocol.. Convention US and Germany… Taxation Estates and Gifts, November 22, 2006
Joint Declaration on Signing Protocol.. Convention US and Germany… Taxation Income, Cap Gains and Other, signed June 1, 2006
Technical Explanation Protocol.. Convention US and Germany… Taxation Income, Cap Gains and Other, signed June 1, 2006
Technical Explanation Protocol.. Convention US and Germany… Taxation Estates and Gifts, December 14, 1998
Convention between the IS and Hungary… Taxation of Income, February 4, 2010
Technical Explanation of Convention between the US and Hungary… Taxation of Income, presented February 4, 2010
Diplomatic Note at the Signing of Convention between the US and Hungary… Taxation of Income, February 4, 2010
Technical Explanation of Convention between the US and Iceland… Taxation of Income, July 8, 2008
Convention and Protocol between the US and Iceland… Taxation of Income, Oct 22, 2007
Technical Explanation of Protocol between the US and Ireland… Taxation of Income and Capital, July 28, 1997
Technical Explanation of the Convention between the US and Italy… Taxes on Income, Oct 22, 1999
Convention between US and Italy… Taxes on Income, signed August 24, 1999
Technical Explanation of 2nd Protocol Amending Convention US and Japan… Taxes on Income, Oct 29, 2015
Note from US to Japan Regarding the Protocol of 2013 (Second Protocol), Jan 24, 2013
Second Protocol Amending Convention US and Japan… with Respect to Taxes on Income signed Jan 24, 2013
Announcement of Intent to Negotiate the Protocol of 2013, June 2, 2011
Technical Explanation… Convention US and Japan… with Respect to Taxes on Income and Cap Gains, Nov 6, 2003
Convention US and Japan… with Respect to Taxes on Income and Cap Gains, Nov 6, 2003
US Response to Japan Note on Convention…Double Taxation Signed Nov 6, 2003
Protocol Amending Convention US and Japan… with Respect to Taxes on Income signed Nov 6, 2003
Convention US and Latvia… with Respect to Taxes on Income, November 22, 2006
Technical Explanation of the Convention US and Latvia… with Respect to Taxes on Income, November 22, 2006
Technical Explanation of the Convention US and Lithuania… with Respect to Taxes on Income, November 22, 2006
Convention US and Lithuania… with Respect to Taxes on Income, November 22, 2006
Statement Regarding the Treaty Negotiations between US and Luxemburg and Treatment of Certain Establishments, June 22, 2016
Technical Explanation of the Protocol.. between the US and Luxembourg… Taxes on Income and Capital, June 7, 2011
Protocol to Amendment to the Convention between the US and Luxembourg… Taxes on Income and Capital, May 20, 2009
Notes on the Signing of the Amendment… US Luxembourg, May 20, 2009
Technical Explanation… Convention between US And Malta… Taxes on Income, signed August 8, 2008
Convention between US And Malta… Taxes on Income, signed August 8, 2008
Technical Explanation of the Second Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Mexico… Taxes on Income, March 3, 2003
Second Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Mexico… Taxes on Income, October 26, 2002
Technical Explanation… Protocol Amending the Convention US and Netherlands… Taxes on Income, March 8, 2004
Protocol Amending the Convention US and Netherlands… Taxes on Income, March 8, 2004
Notes regarding the Protocol… US and Netherlands, March 8, 2004
Convention between US And Poland… Taxes on Income, signed February 13, 2013
Technical Explanation of Convention between US And Poland… Taxes on Income, Convention signed February 13, 2013
Convention and Protocol… US and Portugal… Taxes on Income, signed Sept 6, 1994
Technical Explanation Convention and Protocol… US and Portugal… Taxes on Income, signed Sept 6, 1994
Technical Explanation of the Convention… US and Solvenia… Taxes on Income and Capital signed June 21, 1999
Convention US and Slovenia… Taxes on Income and Capital, signed June 21, 1999
Technical Explanation of the Convention… US and South Africa… Taxes on Income and Capital Gains, Feb 17 1997
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Spain…Taxes on Income, and its Protocol (signed February 22, 1990), June 19, 2014
Note on the Protocol to the Convention between US and Spain… Relating to Income Taxation, July 23, 2013
Protocol Amending the Convention… US and Spain…Taxes on Income, and its Protocol (signed February 22, 1990), Jan 14, 2013
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending the Convention… US and SriLanka… Taxes on Income, September 20, 2002
Protocol Amending the Convention… US and SriLanka… Taxes on Income, September 20, 2002
Technical Explanation of Protocol Amending Convention US and Sweden… Taxes on Income,September 30, 2005
Protocol Amending Convention US and Sweden… Taxes on Income, September 30, 2005
Note on Protocol Amending Convention… US and Sweden Taxes on Income, September 30, 2005
Note of Receipt of Note, Protocol Amending Convention… US and Sweden Taxes on Income, September 30, 2005
Technical Explanation of Protocol… US and Switzerland… Taxes on Income, September 23, 2009
Technical Explanation of Convention… US and Switzerland… Taxes on Income, October 2, 1996
Technical Explanation US and Thailand… Taxes on Income, November 26, 1996
Technical Explanation of Convention US and Venezuela… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Oct 27, 2009
Convention US and Venezuela… Respect to Taxes on Income and Capital, Jan 25, 1099
Agreement US and Vietnam… Respect to Taxes on Income, July 7 2015